
Product Review Discover Your Microbiome with Injoy Your gut microbiome holds crucial insights about your health, which you can have fun exploring with Injoy,1 a Canadian-made microbiome testing kit. Our gut microbiomes consist of approximately 100 trillion microorganisms, from 500-1,000 different species, consisting of bacteria, viruses, yeast, and parasites. Harmony and balance among these species [...]

By |2024-04-03T13:49:02-07:00April 3, 2024|

Chronic Constipation Disrupts Daily Life

Chronic Constipation Disrupts Daily Life Most people are uncomfortable talking openly about living with chronic constipation, and many try to hide the condition from friends and coworkers. Those who do reveal the condition sometimes face questions from people who donโ€™t understand the difference between an occasional bout of constipation, which we all experience at some [...]

By |2020-05-21T11:49:07-07:00October 21, 2015|

Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials The clinical side of research is dependent on volunteers with the condition that the new medication, device, or procedure is aimed to help. Almost all medications have gone through many stages of research before they were ready for the market. In phase one trials, researchers are typically trying to determine if a treatment [...]

By |2020-05-13T13:21:23-07:00June 10, 2013|

Doctors, Do You Know About The Rounds?

Doctors, Do You Know About The Rounds? The Gastrointestinal Society is now an official partner of The Rounds, a communication platform for doctors to connect with peers and experts across therapeutic areas in a secure environment. As a member of The Rounds, physicians and surgeons can access our latest trusted educational materials and resources, share [...]

By |2022-06-23T10:01:39-07:00March 14, 2022|News|

Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency

Click here to download a PDF of this information. Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency When the pancreas is healthy, it produces several enzymes, which are a group of proteins that work as catalysts in digestion. It secretes these enzymes into the small intestine where they work to help digest food. These different enzymes digest carbohydrates (amylase), proteins [...]

By |2022-08-09T09:47:34-07:00February 15, 2018|

Antibiotic Risk Factors for C. Difficile Associated Diarrhea

Antibiotic Risk Factors for C. Difficile Associated Diarrhea Diarrhea is a common side effect of antibiotic use. However, when Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) bacteria are the culprits in post-antibiotic use diarrhea, there is an increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Clostridium difficile Commonly found in hospitals and care facilities, C. difficile are anaerobic gram-positive bacillus1. [...]

By |2020-06-10T10:19:30-07:00June 5, 2013|

Goodness of Milk & Lactose Intolerance

Goodness of Milk & Lactose Intolerance This article discusses the benefits of milk as well as its challenges such as lactose intolerance. There is nothing like our motherโ€™s milk to sustain us for the first year of life and beyond. Rich in vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and other essential nutrients, milk is the perfect food [...]

By |2020-03-11T15:14:39-07:00July 5, 2013|


Digestive Health LIBRARY READ OUR ARTICLES Digestive Health Library Read articles written by healthcare professionals on a wide array of topics related to the digestive tract. Click here + IBD Medication Guide Learn more about [...]

By |2024-09-25T16:12:44-07:00January 12, 2016|

Treating Constipation with Laxatives

Treating Constipation with Laxatives Before heading to the laxative aisle at your local pharmacy to self-treat constipation, itโ€™s important to be informed. With the many varieties and types of laxatives and therapies available, choosing the best one for your bodyโ€™s needs, while avoiding those that are too aggressive, requires knowledge and understanding. Also, as with [...]

By |2020-03-19T13:25:01-07:00June 19, 2013|

Diagnosing Celiac Disease: is Biopsy Necessary?

Diagnosing Celiac Disease: is Biopsy Necessary? Currently, the gold standard for diagnosing celiac disease is to biopsy a tiny portion of the small intestine to look for specific signs of intestinal damage. These tests are costly and invasive, and since the prevalence of celiac is greater than 1% of the Canadian population, there is an [...]

By |2020-07-17T10:45:48-07:00July 25, 2014|

Support Groups

Support Groups Click here for current dates and locations. Our support groups are regular gatherings for individuals who have a gastrointestinal disease or disorder. The purpose of these meetings is to provide and exchange information related to the group focus, to offer one another support, and to share experiences and proven coping strategies. Participants are [...]

By |2024-04-03T13:07:01-07:00July 3, 2013|

What Our Genes Reveal About the Gut

What Our Genes Reveal About the Gut Scientists are continuously unlocking more and more secrets about the human genome, and the information we are gaining illustrates how our genes influence so much of our daily lives, from what we look like to how our bodies react to certain medications, and even what sort of foods [...]

By |2021-07-28T09:16:21-07:00December 6, 2016|

Screening for Colorectal Cancer

Screening for Colorectal Cancer Download a PDF of this infograph Colorectal Cancer Statistics colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in Canada1 1 in 14 men and 1 in 18 women will receive a diagnosis in their lifetime with screening and early detection, colorectal cancer can be preventable and easy to treat Risk Factors [...]

By |2021-09-21T06:45:39-07:00September 20, 2021|

Can exercise improve your IBS?

Can exercise improve your IBS? Although typical irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) management strategies do not specifically prescribe an exercise regime, most healthcare practitioners recommend a regular program of physical activity to maintain good health. Recently, a group of researchers from the United Kingdom1 conducted a short-term randomized control trial designed to test whether increased exercise [...]

By |2020-04-09T09:13:12-07:00June 20, 2013|

The Scoop on Poop

Answers to 7 FAQs About Poop From diet to disease, many things affect your poop. If you have any concerns that your stool is abnormal, then visit your physician. 1. What is poop made of? In a typical bowel movement, about 75% of the stool volume is water. The other 25% is a mixture [...]

By |2020-09-23T17:35:22-07:00August 19, 2014|

Hepatitis B

Click here to download a PDF of this information. Hepatitis B The Liver The liver is the largest solid internal organ and it is located underneath the ribcage in the right upper part of the abdomen. Although liver size depends on a personโ€™s age, body size, shape, gender, and disease state, it is about the [...]

By |2022-08-09T12:22:44-07:00January 7, 2013|

Eosinophilic Esophagitis Patient Journey

Eosinophilic Esophagitis Patient Journey Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) occurs when there are too many eosinophils, a type of white blood cell, in the esophagus. The medical community knew little about this disease until the past few decades. In fact, scientists published the first report on EoE in 1978. Because it is so new and relatively [...]

By |2023-07-19T14:25:10-07:00September 28, 2022|


Vital Links Between Sleep and GI Conditions Sleep is essential for humans, but itโ€™s no surprise that not all of us get what we need. Researchers tell us that sleep is vital for health and wellbeing no matter your age.1 Ensuring sufficient rest means we can be alert, perform efficiently, have regular reaction times, [...]

By |2024-09-18T09:56:28-07:00September 9, 2024|

Interesting Ostomy Accessories

Interesting Ostomy Accessories Question: Where can I buy interesting ostomy accessories? Answer: The basics of ostomy care require, at a minimum, the use of a skin barrier and a pouch. Additional supplies, or accessories, may be necessary to ensure a safe, secure, and predictable seal. Typical accessories include paste, belts, and closure devices like clips. [...]

By |2020-08-04T12:00:59-07:00May 27, 2013|

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