BC Election 2024

NDP Commits to Equitable Medication Access

As British Columbia heads to the polls on October 19, the Gastrointestinal Society is calling on all parties to addressing inequities in public drug coverage.

In July, we sent letters to all parties’ leadership and all MLA candidates to present our BC Medication Coverage Report. We asked them to support increasing public funding of medicines in BC, equitable to all other provinces in Canada.

On September 20, 2024, we received a response from the BC NDP. In their letter, they made commitments to the following:

  • “expanded access to services and medications highlighted in [their] platform over the coming month”
  • “We believe that equitable access to services and medication is a core part of high-quality healthcare.”

The BC NDP also welcomed collaborations with the GI Society to strengthen healthcare in BC.

We sincerely thank them for the time and thoughtfulness they put in writing a response to our election question.

Read their letter here.

The Gastrointestinal Society looks forward to receiving a response from all other parties and candidates. We also hope for opportunities to work together, ensuring that the patient voice is at the forefront of healthcare policies and decision-making in British Columbia.

Take Action

Want to support? Reach out to your local MLA candidates and share with them how gaps in medication coverage affect you and your loved ones. Share our Report with candidates and ask what they will do to improve medication coverage if elected. Every British Columbian deserves access to care equitable to all other provinces in Canada!

Wondering how you can vote and who the parties and candidates are? Visit Elections BC for more information.

Photo: ©  Rawpixel | elements.envato.com