2017 Survey Report: Clostridium difficile Infection

The GI Society represents Canadians living with gastrointestinal diseases and disorders, including those who have experienced Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), and the devastating digestive symptoms that occur from this infection. We offer patient education on a wide array of GI conditions, in text and video formats, including a video on the development, symptoms, and treatments of CDI. The Society advocates to ensure Canadians have access to the best treatment and care. Between the spring and autumn of 2016, we hosted a survey on our English (www.badgut.org) and French (www.mauxdeventre.org) websites to help understand how CDI affects people. To qualify, survey participants had to confirm that they were either an individual who had experienced CDI or a caregiver of someone with CDI. We had 167 respondents.


More information on Clostridium difficile infection