External Links

Links and Other Resources

The GI Society does not necessarily endorse the information provided by the following organizations or individuals. This list is intended to give you a well-rounded view of some of the options available. Always consult your physician or health care provider before implementing any major lifestyle or treatment changes.

More information on the GI Tract

Best Medicines Coalition, The www.bestmedicines.ca

Nurses Specializing in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada www.nswoc.ca NSWOCC (formerly Canadian Association for Enterostomal Therapy) is a specialty area of nursing that provides preventive, acute, and rehabilitative care for people with select disorders of the gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and integumentary systems.

International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders www.iffgd.org IFFGD is a USA-based non-profit education and research organization. Mission is to inform, assist, and support people affected by functional gastrointestinal disorders or bowel incontinence.

Johns Hopkins Gastroenterology & Hepatology Resource Center www.hopkinsmedicine.org/gastroenterology_hepatology/ The Johns Hopkins Gastroenterology & Hepatology Resource Center provides in-depth information on the GI tract.

Journal Watch Gastroenterology www.jwatch.org/gastroenterology Edited and reviewed by more than 80 physicians, Journal Watch regularly combs 180 medical journals for important findings in gastroenterology.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) www.niddk.nih.gov Look for information under: Health Information – Digestive.

Quackwatch www.quackwatch.com A guide to health fraud, quackery, and intelligent decisions, operated by Stephen Barrett, MD.

Diet & Nutrition Information

Dietitians of Canada www.dietitians.ca Dietitians of Canada is the nation-wide voice of dietitians and a trusted source of information on food and nutrition for Canadians. If you are looking to find a dietitian in your area, then this website can help! Access to information is via internet only.

Health Castle www.healthcastle.com Health Castle is an online-only nutrition community run by registered dietitians. Here you will find helpful, wide-ranging nutrition articles.

HealthLink BC Dietitian Service (Formally Dial-a-Dietitian) www.HealthLinkBC.ca/dietitian-services This is a great resource for food and nutrition issues, just dial 8-1-1 (or 7-1-1 for the hearing impaired) from anywhere in BC.

UnlockFood.ca www.UnlockFood.ca (formerly EatRight Ontario) is a provincially funded service designed to help Ontarians improve their health and quality of life through healthy, nutritious eating.

Food composition and analysis information.

Celiac Disease

Canadian Celiac Association www.celiac.ca

Canadians using gluten-free products that have been diagnosed with Celiac disease might find this government page on tax concessions helpful https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/food-nutrition/food-safety/food-allergies-intolerances/celiac-disease/health-canada-position-gluten-free-claims.html

Ostomy Resources

Living with an ostomy has a variety of challenges and the best way to meet these is with the guidance of healthcare professionals. It helps to have accurate and up-to-date health information. Whether you are facing a decision to undergo ostomy surgery and are seeking assistance, or have lived with an ostomy for a long time, you will likely find the information offered by the organizations we’ve linked to here helpful. Many of these other groups will mail you free patient information on request and their websites include valuable links to additional resources.

Nurses Specializing in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada www.nswoc.ca NSWOCC (formerly Canadian Association for Enterostomal Therapy) is a specialty area of nursing that provides preventive, acute, and rehabilitative care for people with select disorders of the gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and integumentary systems.

Friends of Ostomates Worldwide www.fowusa.org Organization devoted to providing education and supplies to those in need around the world.

International Ostomy Association www.ostomyinternational.org General information on ostomies. Includes a link to Fatwa that allows Muslims with ostomies to enter a mosque.

Ostomy Canada Society www.ostomycanada.ca

Johns Hopkins University www.hopkins-gi.org

How to Find a Doctor/Gastroenterologist

You might want to help your general practitioner find a specialist that is right for you. The following websites allow you to search for a doctor by specialty and the location where they practise. Nation-wide information is available through The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada website (www.royalcollege.ca). Search their physician database to find a gastroenterologist in your area. You will still have to be referred to a specialist by your family physician.

Alberta www.cpsa.ca

British Columbia www.cpsbc.ca

Manitoba www.cpsm.mb.ca

New Brunswick www.cpsnb.org

Newfoundland & Labrador www.cpsnl.ca

Northwest Territories www.royalcollege.ca

Nova Scotia www.cpsns.ns.ca

Nunavut www.royalcollege.ca

Ontario www.cpso.on.ca

Prince Edward Island www.cpspei.ca

Quebec www.cmq.org

Saskatchewan www.cps.sk.ca/imis/

Yukon www.royalcollege.ca


Canadian Pharmacists Association www.pharmacists.ca

Alberta College of Pharmacy abpharmacy.ca/

College of Pharmacists of British Columbia www.bcpharmacists.org

College of Pharmacists of Manitoba www.cphm.ca

New Brunswick Pharmaceutical Society www.nbpharmacists.ca

Newfoundland and Labrador Pharmacy Board www.nlpb.ca

Northwest Territories Regulatory Authority www.hss.gov.nt.ca

Nova Scotia College of Pharmacists www.nspharmacists.ca

Ontario College of Pharmacists www.ocpinfo.com

Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec www.opq.org

Prince Edward Island Pharmacy Board www.napra.ca

Saskatchewan College of Pharmacists www.saskpharm.ca

Yukon Pharmacists Association www.yukonpharmacists.ca

Government Health Information

Health Canada www.canada.ca/en/health-canada.html

Alberta www.healthlinkalberta.ca

British Columbia www.healthlinkbc.ca

Manitoba www.gov.mb.ca/health

New Brunswick nbhealthlink.ca

Newfoundland & Labrador www.yourhealthline.ca/en

Northwest Territories www.hss.gov.nt.ca/health-landing

Ontario www.ontariohealth.ca

Quebec www.msss.gouv.qc.ca

Saskatchewan www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/health

Yukon www.hss.gov.yk.ca/

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