COVID-19 Resource Hub Contributors

We thank the following individuals for their input and contributions to this educational project:

Alan Low, BSc. (Pharm.) Pharm. D.,
Pharmacist and Pharmacy Lead
BioPro Biologics Pharmacy
Clinical Associate Professor
University of British Columbia Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and GI Society Board Advisor

Alyssa Low, Pharm. D., RPh
Clinic Director and Clinical Pharmacist
MedInfuse Health Infusion Clinic

Andy Sham, PhD
Project Manager, Gut4Health Microbiome Core Facility and
BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute
CSIR Board Member

Patrick Wong, MD, FRCPC
Clinical Assistant Professor
Division of Infectious Diseases, University of British Columbia
Head, Department of Medicine, Surrey Memorial Hospital

Anne-Marie Stelluti, RD
Modern Gut Health

We also thank Gastrointestinal Society staff: Gail Attara, Jaymee Maaghop, and Morgan Amber, and these Doctor of Pharmacy Students, from the University of British Columbia: Marco Cheung, Marie Dai, Jasdeep Gill, Stephanie Lin, Palvy Sharma, Hanbin Sung, and Marcus Wong.

Disclaimer: The information and references contained are intended solely for information and education. The information presented here is not intended to diagnose health problems or to replace professional medical care, nor should it be considered a substitute for seeing a physician. Since information on COVID-19 is frequently changing, please contact your local health authority for up-to-date information.

Photo: © sewcream |