Diagnostic Tests and Procedures

Diagnostic Tests and ProceduresWhen a health care professional suspects a patient is suffering from a gastrointestinal (GI) disease or disorder, or if a patient reports unexplained symptoms in their GI tract, technology offers valuable tools. Diagnostic tests and procedures can range from invasive to non-invasive, simple to more complex, and can help health care [...]

By |2020-07-17T10:49:00-07:00November 15, 2018|

COVID-19 Testing

COVID-19 Testing During the COVID-19 pandemic, waking up with a cough or fever can send your mind racing. Should I take a test for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19)? Was I in contact with someone with COVID-19? Do I need to see a doctor? It can be confusing to navigate what to do [...]

By |2023-12-19T13:21:14-08:00September 21, 2022|

Links & Other Resources

Links and Other Resources The GI Society does not necessarily endorse the information provided by the following organizations or individuals. This list is intended to give you a well-rounded view of some of the options available. Always consult your physician or health care provider before implementing any major lifestyle or treatment changes.ย  More information on [...]

By |2024-08-30T11:29:06-07:00November 7, 2012|

10 General Nutrition Recommendations for Celiac Disease

10 General Nutrition Recommendations for Celiac Disease Celiac disease affects about 1% of Canadians, and onset can occur at any age. Individuals with celiac disease experience an unusual immune response whenever they eat foods that contain gluten. This means that following a strict gluten-free diet is necessary to avoid symptoms. However, the benefit is that [...]

By |2024-07-10T14:28:42-07:00June 7, 2013|

Could Your IBS Really be Ovarian Cancer?

Could Your Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Really be Ovarian Cancer? When ovarian cancer is diagnosed early, the survival rates are as high as 90%. Ovarian cancer is the fifth highest cause of cancer-related death among women. If treated early, the survival rate is very good, but noticeable symptoms often do not appear until the cancer [...]

By |2020-04-14T08:53:43-07:00June 28, 2013|

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Click here to download a PDF of this information. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) If you suffer from the following ongoing symptoms, you might have IBS: Abdominal Pain Bloating Constipation Diarrhea IBS is a chronic, often debilitating, functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorder with symptoms that include abdominal pain, bloating, and altered bowel behaviours, such as constipation and/or [...]

By |2024-05-08T16:27:03-07:00January 7, 2016|

6 Things to Know about Going Gluten-Free

6 Things to Know about Going Gluten-Free โ€œGluten-freeโ€ is a major buzzword across the Western world today, as more and more gluten-free (GF) products hit the market. This is wonderful news for individuals with celiac disease who, in the past, had to search high and low for an expensive loaf of GF bread. However, it [...]

By |2021-07-06T15:51:11-07:00November 25, 2016|

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction If you have irritable bowel syndrome, chronic constipation, or chronic diarrhea caused by inflammatory bowel disease or an ongoing C. difficile infection, you could have developed a pelvic floor dysfunction. Those who have constipation-predominant symptoms might have pelvic floor muscular incoordination (dyssynergia/anismus) while those who have diarrhea-predominant symptoms might experience bowel urgency [...]

By |2020-04-15T14:16:37-07:00April 7, 2015|

Provincial and Territorial Biologics Policies

Provincial and Territorial Biologics Policies To learn more about biologics and biosimilars, including how biologic medications work in the body and which biologic and biosimilar medications are available in Canada, click here. The situation in Canada for originator biologic and biosimilar policy is rapidly changing. Here is the current status, as at August 2024. [...]

By |2024-08-02T13:42:04-07:00April 22, 2020|

Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal Cancer Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in Canada1 and most cases occur among adults 50 years of age and older. We also refer to colorectal cancer (CRC) as bowel cancer, colon cancer, and rectal cancer. It affects both men and women; 1 in 14 men will receive a diagnosis in their [...]

By |2021-10-25T09:15:01-07:00January 7, 2013|


Product Review Caffeine-free herbal coffee: Teeccinoยฎ Itโ€™s a wonderful ritual to enjoy a cup of a dark, smooth, warm, and aromatic beverage. For those individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) that have made the decision to stop drinking coffee due to its potential adverse effects on [...]

By |2020-07-30T13:30:37-07:00May 20, 2014|

Celiac Disease

Click here to download a PDF of this information. Celiac Disease Overview Celiac disease is an autoimmune gastrointestinal medical condition that causes damage to the inner lining of the small intestine. For those who have celiac disease, a substance called gliadin (a grain protein in gluten) triggers an unusual immune response that leads to flattening [...]

By |2022-08-09T13:16:42-07:00December 8, 2012|

Legal and Privacy Policies

Legal and Privacy Policies Thank you for visiting the website of the Gastrointestinal Society and the Canadian Society of Intestinal Research (collectively referred to within our policies as "GI Society"). Please review all the information in this section carefully. By visiting www.badgut.org you agree to accept our policies. Medical Disclaimer We advise seeking a medical [...]

By |2020-08-05T15:40:29-07:00November 7, 2012|

5 Gluten-Free Grains You Might Not Have Tried

Five Gluten-Free Grains You Might Not Have Tried Grains are nutritious energy-dense staples for countries all around the world, and this includes gluten-free grains such as rice, corn, and sorghum. Many of us tend to eat the same grains all the time, and yet there are so many to choose from. This article will discuss [...]

By |2023-09-06T14:48:15-07:00July 12, 2019|

Celiac Disease: Still Vastly Under-Diagnosed

Celiac Disease: Still Vastly Under-Diagnosed What is celiac disease? Celiac disease is a common, inherited disorder estimated to affect as many as 1 in 100 persons in North America. In genetically susceptible individuals, the ingestion of gluten triggers this autoimmune disease. Continued exposure to specific proteins (gluten) contained in wheat, rye, and barley damages the [...]

By |2021-09-03T13:23:20-07:00June 7, 2013|

The Human Genome

The Human Genome: Implications of Knowledge What Is The Human Genome? It is no accident that offspring resemble their parents. Our genetic code is stored within our cells. Every cell nucleus (the โ€œbrainโ€ of the cell) contains a special chemical called deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. Each of our genes is actually a segment of the [...]

By |2020-07-07T12:58:29-07:00July 2, 2013|

Health Inequity

Health Inequity Including Social Determinants of Health Health inequity arises from a combination of many factors, including unfair systems, policies that cause health disparities, poverty, and even personal behaviour. To be clear from the beginning, I am not blaming the person who has poor health. This article will discuss reasons for the variations in the [...]

By |2024-09-12T14:32:05-07:00October 4, 2021|

Making the Most of a Visit to Your Doctor

Making the Most of a Visit to Your Doctor Individuals living with a digestive disease or disorder are usually destined to a long-term relationship with a gastroenterologist. How can you make the most of this? As a patient, you can take an active role in managing your disease. You can set the tone for a [...]

By |2021-11-02T13:19:28-07:00July 2, 2013|

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